WKE Kindness Award Evangeline Little 2020. (Karen Ware photo/Lakes District News)

Burns Lake’s William Konkin Elementary kindergartener wins kindness award

School's first such award for the Random Acts of Kindness week from Feb. 14 to Feb. 20

  • Feb. 17, 2021 12:00 a.m.

In honour of the Random Acts of Kindness week from Feb. 14 to Feb. 20, William Konkin Elementary (WKE) School in Burns Lake gave out their first ever kindness award to a kindergartner.

“This award is the first of its kind at our school and was inspired by the kind heart and and actions of one exceptional Kindergarten student. This student like all WKE students in our school took part in the Build-Grow-Share Kindness project this school year. The project involved students building wooden crates, growing fresh vegetables to donate to the local food bank, and raising funds to sponsor Biniyam, a child in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to attend school for one full year,” said Vice Prinicipal Cordell Ware.

“One student went above and beyond to care for our sponsor student.”

Evangeline Little, a WKE student from Kindergarten, was awarded the 2020-2021 Build-Grow-Share Award after she raised some money on her own to send Biniyam. After hearing the story of Biniyam and his life in Addis Ababa, Little went home and asked her parents if she could do chores around the house to earn money.

READ MORE: William Konkin Elementary school undertakes project to teach intentional kindness

Ware said that Little didn’t want the money to buy toys, new electronics, or treats for herself but in fact wanted to help Biniyam and his family.

The student came to school with five dollars that she earned through her chores at home.

“This inspiring story serves as a reminder to everyone that true kindness comes from selfless acts and caring hearts,” he said.

WKE’s Build Grow Share Kindness Project under Ware raised $360 for Biniyam earlier this year.

“I wanted Benjamin (Biniyam in English) to have money so he could go to school like us. School can help him learn and allow him to work one day, he could raise money for his family,” said Little.

The award plaque which was presented to Little, is locally made and features the kindness project logo and a hand carved wooden eagle feather.

The school will also be celebrating the week of kindness with various in-class activities and continued work on their kindness project. The school is having their winter carnival this week where the WKE PAC is funding a special lunch for the students and providing wood for small groups to enjoy an outdoor fire in WKE’s new fire pit.

“As a way to safely build school community and kindness, our students will also take part in small group cross-country skiing sessions, snowshoeing, and sledding,” said Ware.

This week, the students have completed over 50 wooden crates. They also have three full tower gardens of vegetables growing that they are hoping will provide more food donations to The Link Food Centre in the coming month.

ALSO READ: WKE students raise money to fund a child’s education

Priyanka Ketkar
Multimedia journalist


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WKE Kindness Award Evangeline Little 2020. (Karen Ware photo/Lakes District News)

WKE Kindness Award Evangeline Little 2020. (Karen Ware photo/Lakes District News)