Burton Elementary may be losing over half of its student population due to three families moving away for work.

Burton Elementary may be losing over half of its student population due to three families moving away for work.

Burton Elementary School faces closure

The Burton Elementary School is likely heading toward closure this year.

New Superintendent/Secretary-Treasurer Denise Perry takes up the reins in June, but until then Walter Posnikoff continues in the position for School District 10.

Unfortunately, Posnikoff’s time is ending on a low note, with the news that the Burton Elementary School is heading toward closure this year.

“This is really hard,” said School Board chair Pattie Adams, during the discussion about the dwindling numbers in the Burton school. Posnikoff’s report to the Board indicated that three families with six children will be moving away. For a school with around ten kids in it, the loss of six is dire.

Enrolment at the school has between 75 and 80 students in decades past, but the last few years have seen a steady and dramatic decline in the numbers.

“It’s due to a lack of work in the area,” said Posnikoff. “They love the area but they can’t stay.”

Two other families are also considering moving, leaving one parent who is committed to having their child remain at Burton Elementary.

“The community is completely aware of what’s going on,” said Posnikoff, “It’s sad, but it’s a reality.”

Director Quinn Decourcy agreed, and said it would be best to start the school closure process to give the community as much notice as possible. Passing the motion to start the closure process, the Board set the community meeting to discuss it at April 17 at 7 p.m. at the Burton Elementary School.


Arrow Lakes News