(Black Press Media file photo)

(Black Press Media file photo)

Bus service between Port Alberni, East Vancouver Island considered

Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District and City of Port Alberni to discuss service

The City of Port Alberni and Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District (ACRD) are discussing the possibility of establishing a bus route to East Vancouver Island.

The topic first came to Port Alberni city council back in May, and council proposed bringing this motion to an ACRD board meeting in order to collaborate on bus service.

“This is an issue that has been brought to the city multiple times,” explained Mayor Sharie Minions during an ACRD board meeting on Wednesday, Aug. 26. “There’s starting to be more and more of a growing demand for this. We thought that, rather than the city talk about it on our own, it would be a great opportunity for us to pass it on to the regional district and see if there’s an interest in talking about it.

“I think that it’s worth discussing as the Island generally changes and adapts going forward.”

READ MORE: Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District stakes step back over proposed bus service to Sproat Lake

The ACRD board agreed on Wednesday to bring the topic to the board’s strategic planning session in September for further consideration.

Board chair John Jack suggested that this could also be an opportunity to discuss connection to the West Coast of Vancouver Island, as well.

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