Victoria police say the number of business break and enters in the city has been rising for the last four months. (Twitter/VicPD)

Business break and enters on the rise in Victoria

Sophisticated techniques used to defeat alarm systems, police say

  • Jan. 19, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Victoria police say the number of business break and enters in the city has been rising for the last few months.

According to police, the first weeks of 2021 have seen more business break and enters than the entire month of December 2020.

In a press release issued Tuesday, the Victoria Police Department noted between Jan. 1 and 18 there were 28 business break and enters in Victoria and Esquimalt, while the month of December saw 26, and November had 16. In October there were 18 business break and enters.

READ ALSO: Business owner sends Victoria police image of break and enter suspect, leads to arrest

Since December, 75 per cent of business break and enters have been concentrated in downtown Victoria and the Burnside Gorge area, police say. Some of the techniques are sophisticated, with suspects using specialized tools and knowledge to remove glass from doors and windows, which is sometimes effective in defeating alarm systems.

In other cases, suspects use brute force methods such as smashing windows and prying doors open.

Police recommend business owners remove valuables, empty cash drawers and check that surveillance systems are working properly. Any damaged windows or doors should be reported, police say, which can be done through the VicPD Connect App 24 hours a day.

Anyone with information about overnight break and enters is asked to call the VicPD report desk at 250-995-7654, ext. 1. To report anonymously, call Greater Victoria Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.

READ ALSO: Police warn Victoria business owners after two ‘smash and grabs’

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