The Ministry of Transportation is moving ahead with upgrades at Highway 97 and Stickle Road to improve safety.

The Ministry of Transportation is moving ahead with upgrades at Highway 97 and Stickle Road to improve safety.

Business group reluctantly accepts Stickle plan

The Swan Lake Business Corridor Association has backed off its demands for a traffic signal

The white flag has been raised over Stickle Road.

The Swan Lake Business Corridor Association has backed off its demands for a traffic signal at Stickle Road and Highway 97 after a meeting  with the Ministry of Transportation.

“We were told for safety and traffic flow reasons, they won’t put in a light,” said Pat Loehndorf, association president.

The ministry is proposing a ban on left-turns from Stickle Road on to the highway and a one-way extension of 20th Street into Vernon on the east side of Stickle Road.

“Something is better than nothing,” said Loehndorf.

“Is it what we want? No. Is it a compromise? Yes.”

Loehndorf says there was considerable discussion within his group about abandoning immediate calls for a traffic signal, but he says there was no choice.

“They aren’t budging period and the risk if we take a stance that it’s a light or nothing is they will take that budget and move on to the next project.”

Loehndorf says the ministry may be convinced ultimately to construct a traffic signal somewhere along the corridor and communications between the association and the ministry must remain open.

“We are taking a gamble if we take nothing from them.”

Eric Foster, Vernon-Monashee MLA, is pleased that the business association has come on board behind the ministry plan.

“We’ve addressed all of the things asked for by the businesses and residents which was safety,” he said.

“We have come a long ways from where the ministry started. I think people will be happy when it’s done.”




Vernon Morning Star