Business selling cannabis may be coming to Barriere

Business selling cannabis may be coming to Barriere

Public Hearing held for a Zoning Bylaw amendment to permit "Cannabis Sales" on BMI property

On Jan. 21, 2019, the District of Barriere held a Public Hearing for a Zoning Bylaw amendment that would permit “Cannabis Sales” as an additional permitted use on the Barriere Motor Inn (BMI) property.

The property is currently zoned Yellowhead Corridor Commercial (C2) and comprises a restaurant, bar and hotel rooms in addition to a licensed Cold Beer and Wine Store located in a separate building.

There were two written comments submitted by properties in the immediate area, one opposed and one with no objection as long as the smell of the cannabis could not be detected off site. A couple of interested people attended the meeting, but no one provided any further input to Council upon the request of Acting Mayor Scott Kershaw who was chairing the hearing and the Council meeting that followed.

The Bylaw then received second and third readings and will be sent to the Ministry of Transportation for their sign off prior to final adoption.

District CAO Colleen Hannigan noted that a licence is required from the provincial government similar to a licence to sell alcohol although the two cannot, at this time, be co-located.

The owner’s agent, Debbie Sabyan, stated that when the Cold Beer and Wine Store closes it will be replaced by off-sales of beer and wine at the bar in the BMI.

Councillor Amanda Sabyan declared a conflict of interest and left the chambers for the entirety of this item.

Barriere Star Journal