Busy week at Poirier elementary

Students is Sooke schools will be writing about their events

  • Apr. 24, 2013 4:00 p.m.

Nyla Morton, Aila Evans, and Matthew Ryan

Student reporters from Ecole Poirier Elementary

Students work really hard at Ecole Poirier, but it doesn’t always happen at our desks in our classrooms.

Last week we did some pretty fun activities at our school. All of students have been jumping and skipping for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. This is a fun way to raise money by skipping, hopping and running and of course collecting donations. We had tons of fun we were so tired by the end of the day, but the younger students still wanted to do more! This day was made possible by all the great parents helping out with the stations.  There was still more to come on this busy week.

The DC team at Poirier put on a garage sale on Thursday. There were millions of stuffies by comparison of other toys and maybe a half of them were unopened. All our young students bought so much and each amount that a child paid helped the Destination Conservation Team raise $309.12.  It was awesome and the money raised goes toward compost caddies for each classroom and gardening supplies for our student gardens.

On the same day, Poirier had a family dance in the evening in our gym! There were glow sticks, pizza, water, chips and yogurt tubes. Anybody who goes to our school and their family was welcome to come. Our PAC also had a silent auction and the money goes toward buying stuff for our school like Smartboards, musical instruments and field trips.   There was a DJ. The parents come and talk but hardly ever dance.  Watch for a column by elementary student reporters every week.  John Muir elementary school  students will be writing about their school next week.

Sooke News Mirror