Busy winter months set records at Kelowna’s airport

January and February were record-setting months for passenger numbers at YLW.

January and February were record-setting months for passenger numbers at Kelowna's airport.

January and February were record-setting months for passenger numbers at Kelowna's airport.

Kelowna’s airport is continuing to set records.

Passenger numbers at YLW reached record-breaking levels, with January and February 2012 becoming the busiest for those respective months in YLW history. There was a 2.04 per cent increase over January 2011 and 6.22 per cent increase over February 2011.

According to the airport, those totals jump-started the year with an overall increase of 9,865 passengers (4.08 per cent) over 2011s year-to-date numbers.

In other airport news, the winter flight schedule to Mexico, Las Vegas and Phoenix will stop at the end of April, except for weekly service to Mazatlan, which Sunwing Airlines/Signature Tours will continue to offer until May 15. And domestic air service start to and from Red Deer, Alta. with Northwestern Air every Friday and Sunday as of April 20.

Daily flights will also be available to Toronto once again starting in in May when Air Canada returns to daily service from the current weekend service.

But there will also be fee increases starting next month at YLW.

As announced in the fall, vehicle parking fees will increase effective April 2, 2012, with the first 15 minutes will of parking in the short-tem lot remaining free but the first hour or part of an hour jumping to $1.25 and each following hour or part of of an hour jumping to $2.25 to a maximum of $15 per 24 hour period.

Frequent travellers can buy Gold passes for $800 six month of parking.

The rates in the long-term lot will move to  $1.25 per hour or part thereof (includes first 15 minutes) to a maximum of $10 per 24 hours and a weekly maximum rate of $50. The first 15 minutes will also be free in that lot.

Curbside parking meters at the the airport will cost $1.50 per 30 minutes

But there is one fee that is being eliminated. The airport is dropping its $1 charge for use of luggage carts in the terminal effective April 2.

For more information about Kelowna’s airport, including flight information, go to ylw.kelowna.ca.



Kelowna Capital News