FACE PAINT: Zoya McClure, 3, gets a butterfly painted on her face by Kwalikum Secondary Student Nicole Shewchuk on Saturday at the annual Fire and Ice event. All donations from the face painting booth went to fund dry grad events.

FACE PAINT: Zoya McClure, 3, gets a butterfly painted on her face by Kwalikum Secondary Student Nicole Shewchuk on Saturday at the annual Fire and Ice event. All donations from the face painting booth went to fund dry grad events.

Butterfly face paint for youngster in Qualicum Beach

It was just one of the activities at the Fire and Ice Festival on Saturday in Qualicum Beach

FACE PAINT: Zoya McClure, 3, gets a butterfly painted on her face by Kwalikum Secondary Student Nicole Shewchuk on Saturday at the annual Fire and Ice event. All donations from the face painting booth went to fund dry grad events.

Parksville Qualicum Beach News