Cache Creek administrator gives notice

Administrator Leslie Lloyd takes early retirement, citing personal reasons.

  • Jul. 10, 2013 11:00 a.m.
Leslie Lloyd, Village of Cache Creek's Chief Administrative Officer.

Leslie Lloyd, Village of Cache Creek's Chief Administrative Officer.

The Village of Cache Creek’s Chief Administrative Officer, Leslie Lloyd, has provided notice to Council that she will retire at the end of September.

Lloyd cited personal matters as the reason for her early retirement.

“This decision was not easy,” said Lloyd. “I have enjoyed serving the community and Council and working with the staff at the village.  I’m proud of how well we work together and what we have accomplished in the past of couple of years, including completion of the water treatment plant.”

Mayor John Ranta joins with Council in wishing her a long, happy and healthy retirement. While Ms. Lloyd’s departure was unexpected, Council recognizes that everyone’s personal circumstances are very different, and appreciates the outstanding service Leslie has provided to the Village during her tenure as Chief Administrative Officer, he said.

Council has initiated a search for a suitable replacement through the services of Craven and Associates, a well known executive search organization specializing in local government personnel.

Lloyd has provided notice effective Sept. 27, which should enable the recruitment process to be substantially complete prior to her departure.

Lloyd joined the staff in September 2011, taking over from departing CAO Tom Kadla who went to Lumby.

The Village is also looking for a Chief Financial Officer after Lori Pilon left to work for MLA Jackie Tegart as her Constituency Assistant.

Pilon began working for the Village in January 2010. Her last day was July 5. She said working for the MLA was an “exciting opportunity and adventure” that she could not pass up.

“I look forward to working with the Village of Cache Creek, and other communities in the Fraser-Nicola riding, in my new role and wish Council, staff and the wonderful community of Cache Creek all the best in the future!” she said.

Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal