Caledonia Day: a look into the past

It was another successful Caledonia Day at the Old Historic Park in Fort St. James.

  • Aug. 17, 2016 1:00 p.m.
Candle making on Caledonia Day at the Historic Park, Fort St. James.

Candle making on Caledonia Day at the Historic Park, Fort St. James.

Barbara Latkowski

Caledonia Courier

It was another successful Caledonia Day at the Old Historic Park in Fort St. James.

On Aug. 13, people near and far were drawn together in celebration of all of the history the Fort has to offer.

There were many exhibits on hand including: tours of the historical buildings, a blacksmith demo, candle making, a Huble Homestead Booth and free corn on the cob.

There was also an assortment of challenges and tournaments available for all to join including a Hunter Challenge in the oat field that included rifles, atlatls and sling shot, a pie auction, a handyman challenge and a horseshoe tournament.

DJ Jensen was happy to help organize the Hunter Challenge for the day.

“We had a really good turnout today,” Jensen said. “We had lots of people take part. It was a fun day.”

Children were also able to join in various games from a sack race, a three legged race and even an apple biting contest on string.

The friends at the Historic Park were on site as well as employees, volunteers and yes, the animals including giant rabbits, goats and of course the world famous chickens who were ready to race by the end of the afternoon.

Krystal Leason, who was helping run the Huble Homestead with her partner, Nicole Krizmanich, were from the Huble Homestead Historic Site just outside of Prince George.

Dressed in period costumes, they were available to answer historical questions and ran creative workshops with children including candle making.

“We couldn’t have asked for a more perfect day,” Leason said. “It’s been a really great turnout today. We are really happy to take part.”

The event drew in a good crowd on a warm sunny afternoon as people enjoyed snow cones and cotton candy along their way through the park as they experienced a fun and friendly look into the past.


Caledonia Courier