Call before digging

Last year eight unlucky Campbell River residents damaged gas pipes and got stuck with the repair bills

  • Apr. 29, 2014 7:00 a.m.

Springtime marks the unofficial start of gardening season across British Columbia. It’s also traditionally the time of year when FortisBC receives a spike in the number of calls to repair damage to its underground natural gas pipes.

According to FortisBC, 99 per cent of the damage to its natural gas system is caused by third parties such as construction crews, contractors and homeowners.

Last year, 268 Campbell River residents called BC One Call, but there were still damage to eight different pipelines.

If you’re the one who caused the damage, you could be on the hook for the entire cost of the repairs.

Call 1-800-474-6886, *6886 from a mobile phone, or visit


Campbell River Mirror