

Call for support of Black Lives Matter movement in Mission

Over 200 signs hung around city showing solidarity with victims of police brutality

  • Jun. 4, 2020 12:00 a.m.

A call has been put out to Mission residents to show support for the Black Lives Matter movement and victims of police brutality.

An Instagram account is asking locals to drop off signs, artwork, words of support and inspiration or flowers to the big M at 2nd Avenue and Welton Street in downtown Mission. The signs are to be hung around the district over the weekend.

“This is only the beginning. Everyone is encouraged to join in. Make signs and spread them across the town – show that Mission stands against the loss of Black and Indigenous lives at the hands of police,” reads a post from the Instagram account. “This is only a small step towards progress. Systems of racial inequality continue to prevail and thrive in North America and we need to actively stand against them.”

Over 200 signs were posted around the city on the night of June 2, according to the post.

People who wish to participate are asked to follow a couple ground rules: Only post signs that are constructive to the movement and not trying cause instigate conflict; do not cover road signs, COVID-19 signs or in a way that would obstruct doorways; only use non-permanent methods to hang the signs, staples into phone poles work but superglue and spraypaint is vandalism; be respectful of where you hang them.

“Please be safe, respectful and practise safe social distancing.”

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Mission City Record