Call in animals left in hot vehicles, Surrey RCMP urge

Call in animals left in hot vehicles, Surrey RCMP urge

SURREY — It seems like common sense not to leave a dog in an unattended vehicle when it’s hot out, but every year, Surrey RCMP respond to about 100 such calls.

So far this July, police have been called out 10 times and have already had to enter a vehicle to rescue a pet.

Last Thursday, Surrey RCMP joined BC SPCA, Surrey Animal Control and Surrey Fire at Guildford Town Centre to raise awareness about the seriousness of leaving pets in hot vehicles and to urge residents to call in when they see a trapped animal.

Anyone who sees a pet left alone in a hot vehicle is asked to call in to the BC SPCA abuse hotline (1-855-622-7722), Animal Control (604-591-4370) or police (604-599-0502).

If it’s an emergency, call 911.

For more information, click here.

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