Cameras are way to go

Surrey – The Editor, Re: "Forget Hepner’s grandiose plans – solution is cameras," the Now letters, May 28.


We live in a good family-oriented neighbourhood in Newton area.


In the past two years, we had our car broken into and the second time the police officer that came in did what he could.


I know we are quick to judge and say that police aren’t doing their job. Basically, we all know our justice system isn’t that great when it comes to punishing criminials.


However, I spoke with the police officer and he said they deal with all types of criminals every day – and what happens? They take them in and they’re out the next day. Why is it this way? Because our justice system is too easy going.


I think more cameras over the city would be great, especially in light of the recent spree of shootings and violence in Surrey.


We have privacy at home and when we are in public, we should not expect privacy.


Besides, if you’re doing no wrong, why be worried?


We need action – not finger-pointing, especially when those fingers are pointed at the police. They are doing their job.


Sharn C.



Surrey Now