Caleb McLean. Contributed photo

Caleb McLean. Contributed photo

Campaign for terminally ill Langley boy nears goal

Fundraiser to send eight-year-old on a cruise with his family

She didn’t have an internet connection, but when a Langley woman read a newspaper story about eight-year-old Caleb McLean and an online campaign to give the terminally ill boy his dream vacation, she found his family the old-fashioned way.

Father Travis McLean said the woman phoned them after using the phonebook to call every McLean listed.

“She said she wanted to help, but she doesn’t have a computer,” McLean said.

When the older woman arrived, she gave McLean $50 – and a hug.

“I pray for you every day,” she said. “I believe he’ll get his wish.”

She left without giving her name.

“It was heartwarming,” McLean said.

A campaign called “Caleb’s Last Vacation” to send on a Disney cruise with his family was nearing its goal of $45,000 as of Wednesday, with nearly $43,000 raised.

READ MORE: VIDEO: Campaign to provide a last, dream vacation for terminally ill Langley boy

Caleb is currently undergoing radiation therapy after his cancer returned, two years after he was first operated on.

Attempts to remove one of two resurgent tumors have only been partially successful, and doctors have told them Caleb only has months to live.

When a visitor from the Make-A-Wish BC and Yukon, a charity that grants wishes to seriously ill kids, asked Caleb what he would like, he said he wanted to go on the “Disney boat” with his mother, father and all five siblings.

That was more than the foundation could cover, and the family was told the trip would only be possible with Caleb, both his parents, and just one of his five siblings.

Caleb’s aunt Danielle Glynn responded by setting up an online GoFundMe campaign to raise the money it would cost to sent Caleb, his parents and all five siblings on his dream vacation.


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