Kealy Donaldson has put her name forward for the 2021 municipal by-election for city council. Photo provided

Campbell River Municipal By-Election 2021 Candidate: Kealy Donaldson

Kealy Donaldson introduces herself to the electorate

The Mirror reached out to all eight candidates running to fill the open seat on Campbell River city council in the by-election to replace Michele Babchuk, who vacated her spot after winning a seat in the provincial legislature in last fall’s provincial election.

In the first of what will be an ongoing series, we simply asked the candidates to introduce themselves and why they are vying for the position on council in 350 words or less. Their responses have not been edited.

Stay tuned for more from the candidates between now and general election day, scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 24.


I’m pleased to be putting my name forward as a candidate for City of Campbell River Councillor in the 2021 By-Election. I look forward to the opportunity of representing our community fairly. I will continue to bring accountability, transparency and integrity to my community involvement and to serve our community at a higher level. I will keep an open door for community dialogue and welcome discussion regarding the governance of Campbell River and decisions being made for and by this community.

It will be my honour and privilege to serve our community as City Councillor. I will focus on Economic Recovery in Business, Arts-Culture-Recreation Expansions and Social Issues such as Affordable Housing, Public Safety and Urban Density. As we recover together as a community from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, unity and strength are needed to move forward. We must project and progress to our desired outlooks for the next generations here in Campbell River. The time is now to build the best future this city and its citizens can have!

I am asking for your support and your vote in this By-Election. Election Day has been set as Saturday, February 27, 2021. I am standing as a candidate to be your voice at the City Council table and at City Hall. With your direct support, we can accomplish a better tomorrow for our community! But I can not do this alone ― it takes you to raise this support. Please consider making a donation or offering your volunteer support to help position me onto council.

Your vote counts and it matters! If you require assistance getting to the polls, please contact my campaign for a complimentary ride or register for your mail-in ballot. You can connect directly with me to discuss your concerns on community issues. I look forward to the opportunity of serving all Campbell Riverites!

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Campbell River Mirror