Campbell River RCMP reported 40 incidences of domestic violence in January.

Campbell River RCMP reported 40 incidences of domestic violence in January.

Campbell River RCMP responded to 40 incidences of domestic violence in January

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE REPORT: Police note that often the domestic violence has occurred before

  • Feb. 7, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The Campbell River RCMP released the first of its monthly domestic violence reports on Friday, Feb. 7.

During the month of January 2020, the Campbell River RCMP responded to 40 reports of files related to violence in relationships.

In addition police responded to another seven files which were reports of breaches of conditions related to violence in relationships.

Understanding Repeatability

One of the ongoing themes that police witness while investigating domestic violence is the reports that the violence has occurred before, according to the Feb. 7 report issued by Campbell River RCMP media relations officer Const. Maury Tyre.

Without proper intervention, domestic violence typically doesn’t stop. Sometimes it may de-escalate, which is commonly called “the honeymoon phase,” but violence returns and often escalates in intensity and frequency. Typical interventions can come in the form of counselling, police, or criminal charges. In some cases couples will remain in a toxic relationship which creates a scenario of mutual violence. In many of these cases, even interventions are not enough to stop the violence from escalating as this months Violence in Relationship case will illustrate.

Relationship Violence Example of the Month

The Campbell River RCMP started dealing with a young couple in March 2019 for a verbal argument. By June 2019 the reports had advanced and the female in the relationship had been charged with domestic assault.

By January 2020, the young female had been charged with another assault on her boyfriend and had been arrested multiple times over the months for breaching her court ordered conditions.

Following a court date for the female in January, the couple again found themselves together, but this time the violence escalated to a new level and the young male found part of his ear bitten off by the female.

The case highlights how violence can progress in a relationship. It also highlights the fact that victims, for a multitude of reasons may remain in contact with their abuser, often to the detriment of their own safety. For people in a toxic and violent relationship it’s important to seek help for your situation. Police recognize that it can be scary to make the first step and reach out, but it is so important for the well being of everyone involved.

Campbell River Mirror