Campbell Riverites being frugal with their water

Residents' efforts to conserve water are preventing the need for tighter restrictions

Campbell Rivertes are being congratulated for keeping the city at stage one watering restrictions.

With the hot, dry spring – and now summer – upon us, the City of Campbell River is thanking the community for water conservation efforts so far, and reminding residents to continue being mindful of water consumption.

Demand on Campbell River’s water consumption has increased over the past few weeks, and efforts by local residents to conserve water can help the community delay stage two watering restrictions.

“The city greatly appreciates the marked diligence by local residents during our current stage one watering restrictions, and we hope to delay a stage two watering restriction for as long as possible by reminding residents to be aware of their water use and keep demand to a minimum,” says Mayor Andy Adams. “Keeping our water use within the limit allows us to meet the water demand for domestic water use across the system as well as potential firefighting.”

Stage one watering restrictions allow residents to water lawns during these times:

  • Odd numbered house addresses may water only on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday from 5 a.m. to 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
  • Even numbered house addresses may water only on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday from 5 a.m. to 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.

Helpful guidelines for water conservation and lawn care:

  • Mow lawns to a length of three inches or more, reducing moisture loss and sunburn.
  • Set sprinklers to water for 20 minutes or less per lawn watering session.
  • Water for a maximum of two sessions per week, to encourage deep root systems.
  • Provide good aeration and drainage to create a healthy lawn.

City staff will continue to patrol the community for the months of July and August to ensure residents are following watering restrictions. Where necessary, staff will provide information about opportunities for reducing water consumption, and will monitor to ensure residents are following watering restrictions.

Campbell River Mirror