Campfire ban rescinded for Golden and Southeast Fire Centre

The campfire ban had been in place since Aug. 5 but was rescinded yesterday afternoon.

Due to cooler weather in the forecast and some recent precipitation, the campfire ban for the Southeast Fire Centre has been rescinded as of Friday afternoon.

Anyone lighting a campfire must follow B.C.’s campfire regulations, which include the following:* The campfire must not be bigger than half a metre wide or half a metre high.* Flammable material (such a twigs and pine needles) must be removed from around the campfire area and this fuel-free area must be maintained while the campfire is burning. * A shovel or at least eight litres of water must be available onsite to properly extinguish the fire.* A campfire must never be left unattended.* The ashes must be cool to the touch before you leave the area for any length of time.

An existing open fire prohibition will remain in place until the public is otherwise notified. Specifically, prohibited open burning activities include:* The burning of any waste, slash or other materials.* Stubble or grass fires of any size over any area.* The use of fireworks, sky lanterns or burning barrels of any size or description.

The open burning prohibition covers all BC Parks, Crown lands and private lands, but does not apply within the boundaries of a local government that has forest fire prevention bylaws and is serviced by a fire department. Please check with local authorities for any other restrictions before lighting a fire.

Golden Star