Canada Post coming to remove unused community mailbox pads in Campbell River

At least one councilor wants to know if they'll also be reviewing the ones that were installed

When Canada Post was installing community mailboxes during their phase-out of door-to-door delivery, then canceled the plan mid-implementation, some sites in Campbell River were poured and paved but went unused. They will now return to town to take out that infrastructure. Black Press File Photo

When Canada Post was installing community mailboxes during their phase-out of door-to-door delivery, then canceled the plan mid-implementation, some sites in Campbell River were poured and paved but went unused. They will now return to town to take out that infrastructure. Black Press File Photo

Canada Post has informed the City of Campbell River that they’ll be coming in shortly to remove the unused infrastructure that was put in place when they were installing community mailboxes back in 2015.

During the implementation of the company’s shift from home delivery to community mailboxes in an attempt to cut costs, many concrete pads and paving stones were installed around the community that ended up going unused when the decision was later made to scrap the switchover.

“Over the next few weeks, Canada Post plans to do some work in your community to remove concrete pads, paving stones and other materials and equipment,” reads the letter from Marnie Armstrong, director of community relations for Canada Post received at last week’s council meeting.

“These materials were previously installed by Canada Post in anticipation of converting residences in the neighbourhood to community mailbox delivery. This conversion will not occur and these sites were never put into service.”

But while council was glad that each of these sites, according to the letter, will be “restored to its original state,” and that Canada Post will “work with municipal staff throughout to ensure the restoration work is done to your satisfaction,” one councilor in particular was more interested in whether any other changes would also be considered.

“We had a number of locations that were problems,” said Coun. Charlie Cornfield. “I’m wondering if we can find out from them whether they’re looking at solving some of those problem locations. If they’re going to pull out the unused ones, this could be an opportunity to maybe get rid of some of the ones that have been a real pain in the – a fly in the ointment, let’s say. They’ve been an annoyance – more than an annoyance – to the neighbours.

“This has been a fiasco and we just got stuck in it.”

In the end, staff was directed to stay in contact with Canada Post about these issues and report back to council with any updates.

The work of removing the unused pads is expected to be completed by mid July.

Campbell River Mirror