Canadian Avalanche Centre changing name to Avalanche Canada

The Canadian Avalanche Centre announcing name change to Avalanche Canada at the International Snow Science Workshop in Banff on Oct. 2.

Say goodbye to the Canadian Avalanche Centre. Say hello to Avalanche Canada.

The Canadian Avalanche Centre will announce its new name and logo at the International Snow Science Workshop in Banff on Oct. 2.

The change has been in the works for a year and is designed to give the organization a distinct brand from the Canadian Avalanche Association.

Avalanche Canada, as the CAC will now be known, is tasked with public outreach, while the CAA is the organization for avalanche professionals. There is also the Canadian Avalanche Foundation, which is the fundraising arm of the avalanche industry.

The change coincides with the 10th anniversary of the CAC, which was founded in the fall of 2004 in the aftermath of two deadly avalanches that killed 14 people in January 2003.



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