Canal Flats applies for Towns of Tomorrow

The Village of Canal Flats held its first regular council meeting of 2011 on January 10.

  • Jan. 18, 2011 12:00 p.m.

The Village of Canal Flats held its first regular council meeting of 2011 on January 10.

Plans were made during the meeting to address Tembec Industries, who have been seeking permission to cross Grainger Road.

The council wishes to extend an invitation to Tembec to “touch base” and address concerns and issues looking towards the new year.

A public works report discussed an issue brought up with the recent moving plan of a loghouse building, donated to the village by Painted Ridge development owner Mike Vernon.

The 2,500 square-foot log home is to house municipal offices, tourist information, an interpretive display, and local arts and crafts, and through a $221,000 grant approved by the Columbia Basin Trust, the building is to be moved and become the Columbia Discovery Centre.

However, to move the building has created an issue with the TELUS wires that run along the other side of this portion of Ranger Road, and council is looking at permanently moving these lines to the opposite side of the road with the building movement opportunity.

Council will also be applying for a $92,000 grant request this year from Towns for Tomorrow to put towards Canal Flats’ arena improvements. The grant application must demonstrate how the project encourages social and economic growth, as well as child and senior citizen accessibility.

“This is a worthwhile project that would enhance the arena and make it more accessible,” said Canal Flats’ Chief Administration Officer Brian Woodward.

Council will be making plans to meet with representatives to discuss recreational and reservation area improvements and future plans for this year and years following as well.

Invermere Valley Echo