Canal Flats eyes new roof for fire hall

Village looks at new fire hall roof and buys new public works truck



Canal Flats will soon have a new truck for its public works staff and could have a new roof for its fire hall later this spring.

Village council members approved the purchase of the truck at their most recent council meeting, on Tuesday, February14th, when they also reviewed a quote for replacing the fire hall roof, which will cost around $5,000.

“That quote was from last year, so there may be a slight increase, but our budget (for putting in a new roof) is $7,000, so itwill still be will within that,” Canal Flats mayor Ute Juras told The Echo. “We hope it will get done some time this spring.”

Council also gave three readings to an amendment to its snow removal bylaw.

“Basically, we added some definitions for terms such as ‘passable road’ and ‘reasonable time’ and re-arranged some of the wording around priority roads. We did not change the priority order, it’s just that some of the wording was a bit unclear, so we changed it to make it more clear,” said Juras.

Canal Flats chief administrative officer Heidi Frank told The Echo that the bylaw amendment essentially amounted to housekeeping and was something she had wanted to do, with council’s input, since she began in her role with the village.She also added that, in her opinion, snow removal in the village is quite good.

“We did not get a lot of calls (about snow removal following last week’s large snow storm). Compared with other municipalities, we are doing a great job, given the constraints we face with equipment and budget,” said Frank.

During the meeting, council gave three readings to an amendment to its officers and employees bylaw. The amendment,which will likely be adopted at the next council meeting, is being made to allow the village to officially promote Sylvie Hoobanoff to the position of corporate officer.

Juras said Hoobanoff is essentially performing that role already, and the job title change is being made to better reflect whatshe does.

The amendment will align the position names of village staff with what is outlined in the Community Charter.

Council members also agreed at the meeting to defer discussion on a proposed road frontage tax amendment bylaw.

“We are looking at changing the amount of our frontage tax. But we’ve haven’t finished looking at our budget, and it’s hardto set the frontage tax rate until we know how much we need. So we’ve deferred it,” said Juras.

Council will revisit the road frontage tax once the budget is complete.


Invermere Valley Echo