Volunteers will be knocking on doors in the community, asking for donations to the Canadian Cancer Society. They will be wearing CCS lanyards for identification purposes.

Volunteers will be knocking on doors in the community, asking for donations to the Canadian Cancer Society. They will be wearing CCS lanyards for identification purposes.

Canvassers going door to door for Daffodil Month

Canadian Cancer Society’s signature fundraising campaign

  • Apr. 1, 2016 5:00 p.m.

April is Daffodil Month, the Canadian Cancer Society’s signature fundraising campaign, and that means very soon canvassers will be going door to door throughout the Comox Valley, asking for donations.

Volunteers will be easy to recognize – just look for the bright, yellow daffodil pin on their lapels. They will also be wearing Canadian Cancer Society lanyards to identify themselves.

Donations to the society fund life-saving research, prevention initiatives and much-needed support programs for people living with cancer right now in the Comox Valley and beyond.

“When our volunteers with their daffodil pins arrive on your doorstep, we hope people will be inspired to join the fight against cancer and give generously,” said Erika Stockley of Canadian Cancer Society, Vancouver Island Region. “We encourage everyone to purchase a daffodil pin for themselves and their loved ones and wear it proudly during the month of April.

The pin is a powerful symbol of hope that lets people in our community who are affected by cancer or who have lost someone to the disease know that they are not alone.”

To learn more about the April door to door canvass and the Daffodil Campaign,visit cancer.ca/daffodil


Comox Valley Record