No one was injured when this car drove into the office of Marlin Travel in Parksville. (Helen Dyck photo)

No one was injured when this car drove into the office of Marlin Travel in Parksville. (Helen Dyck photo)

Car crashes into Vancouver Island travel agency building

Staff shaken but police in Parksville report no injuries in the mishap

  • Mar. 21, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Workers at Marlin Travel office in Parksville were given quite a jolt when a car drove into the building on March 17.

Police said the vehicle’s driver escaped unharmed. The car drove up the curb and went straight into the building, damaging the brick wall and shattering the glass.

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One of the staff members at Marlin Travel, Ashley Keith, said it’s fortunate she wasn’t hurt because her desk was the one closest when the car drove through.

“It was a metre away from me,” Keith related. “There was glass shattered around my desk. No shards of glass hit me or anything. We were lucky. Definitely somebody was looking after us. It was scary but the most important thing is everybody was safe.”

Oceanside RCMP said the incident is being investigated and no charges have been laid.

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