Carbon monoxide (CO) is a dangerous by-product of fuel burning devices such as wood/pellet stoves and fireplaces, and natural gas or propane appliances such as non-electric furnaces and hot water tanks. File photo

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a dangerous by-product of fuel burning devices such as wood/pellet stoves and fireplaces, and natural gas or propane appliances such as non-electric furnaces and hot water tanks. File photo

Carbon monoxide scare in Rosemont

Fire department warns residents about the colourless, odorless gas

  • Nov. 4, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Nelson Fire and Rescue Services responded to a report of a carbon monoxide alarm sounding in a Rosemont residence on Nov. 3 at about 8 p.m.

“Upon arrival, with the residents safely outside, the crew donned breathing equipment and investigated with a multi-gas detector,” a fire department news release stated. “The detector showed readings over 170 parts per million of carbon monoxide, which can be very dangerous when inhaled for more than a short period of time.”

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a dangerous by-product of fuel burning devices such as wood/pellet stoves and fireplaces, and natural gas or propane appliances such as non-electric furnaces and hot water tanks. CO is a colourless and odourless gas that can have fatal outcomes for residents and their pets if a release goes undetected.

“In this case, it was extremely fortunate the residents had just installed CO detector a few weeks earlier and called 911 for assistance once it went into alarm,” the news release said.

The owner had turned off the furnace, which fire crews suspected was not working properly. Crews ventilated the home until CO levels were brought to zero and the owner of the property was advised to contact FortisBC to assess the furnace.

Nelson Fire and Rescue Services reminds everyone to ensure they have working smoke alarms and a working CO detector in their homes, and ensure that heating appliances have all been cleaned and serviced and are working and venting properly.

Nelson Star