A BC Wildfire Service tanker flying in the South Cariboo skies. (Patrick Davies photo - 100 Mile Free Press)

Cariboo Fire Centre gives update on wildfires burning in Quesnel Fire Zone

The region has only one wildfire of note, the Purdy Lake Wildfire

  • Jul. 15, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The Purdy Lake Wildfire has been partially contained by firefighters.

The only wildfire of note in the Quesnel Fire Zone saw increased activity on its western and eastern flank yesterday, July 14, growing to 3,600 hectares according to the Cariboo Fire Centre.

“The guard on the northern flank is complete,” the update reads. “The focus is on re-establishing containment lines on the western and eastern flanks while ground personnel continue to complete a hose lay.”

An evacuation alert due to the wildfire was issued for the Titetown and Nazko North areas.

According to the BC Wildfire Service 23 firefighters three helicopters and nine pieces of heavy equipment are being used to contain the fire.

READ MORE: Portions of Nazko First Nation under evacuation alert due to wildfire

There are eight other wildfires of note burning in the Cariboo Fire Centre, but none are in the Quesnel Zone.

A total of nine fires are being tracked in the Quesnel Fire Zone. Three fires are burning out of control inside or near the Bowron Lake Provincial Park. Canoers paddling the chain were asked to avoid using the middle of the lake to make way for water bombers.

The southern portion of the Cariboo Fire Centre has seen much more activity than Quesnel, including all of 100 Mile House being put on an evacuation alert. There are 37 fires burning in the 100 Mile Fire Zone.

READ MORE: Evacuation orders and alerts: what to know in a wildfire

Do you have something to add to this story, or something else we should report on? Email: cassidy.dankochik@quesnelobserver.com


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