

Cariboo Fire Centre report Green Mountain Fire 60 per cent contained

The Cariboo Fire Centre is reporting the Green Mountain fire is now 60 per cent contained.

The Cariboo Fire Centre is reporting the Green Mountain fire is now 60 per cent contained.

Crews are working to complete containment lines and protect critical infrastructure on Green Mountain. This fire was originally called the Dragon Mountain Fire, but has been renamed to reflect a more accurate geographical location of the fire. Williams Lake remains on evacuation alert and order, with most residents heading to Prince George where emergency operation centres are active.

A reminder there RCMP are investigating people taking advantage of the fire alerts and fire evacuation orders in the Quesnel area.

RCMP are investigating a report of at least two men attending rural residences off Barkerville Highway (Highway 26) near Quesnel saying they were fire officials and that people have to get out immediately.

These men were dressed in police type clothing and were wearing high visibility vests. The men did not provide identification and left the area in what is described as a black SUV type vehicle. The occupants of the residence found this disturbing and alerted the authorities.

The Quesnel RCMP can confirm that at this time the police are only attending homes in the Fire Evacuation zone. Police conducting the Evacuation Orders are dressed in full police uniform and have police identification as well as the official Evacuation Order to provide to evacuated residents.

Police are still conducting core policing functions in the Quesnel area. Police remind the public to remain vigilant and to ensure they call the police at 250-992-9211 about anyone posing as a police officer or other official.

Fires of note in the Cariboo Fire Centre include:

• 150 Mile House Fire • Castle Rock/Twan Lake Complex • Green Mountain • Gustafsen wildfire • Hanceville Fires • Kleena Kleene Complex • Soda Creek Fire • Spokin Lake Rd • West Fraser Road Complex • White Lake • Wildwood Fire

Quesnel Cariboo Observer