In its daily update Sunday, the Cariboo Fire Centre said there were no new wildfires discovered Saturday, Aug. 18. Monica Lamb-Yorski photo

In its daily update Sunday, the Cariboo Fire Centre said there were no new wildfires discovered Saturday, Aug. 18. Monica Lamb-Yorski photo

Cariboo Fire Centre update Sunday, Aug. 19; no new fires discovered Saturday

There are currently 63 active fires in the Cariboo Fire Centre.

  • Aug. 19, 2018 12:00 a.m.

There are currently 63 active wildfires within region, the Cariboo Fire Centre noted in its wildfire update Sunday, Aug. 19.

Five fires were called out Saturday; two were in the 100 Mile Fire Zone, two in the Horsefly area, and one in the Chilcotin Fire Zone.

There were no new fires discovered Saturday.

The fire danger rating in the Cariboo Fire Centre is generally ‘high’ to west of the Fraser River.

A large area that was in an ‘extreme’ fire danger rating is now in a ‘high’ danger rating, however there are still pockets of ‘extreme’ on the western border of the fire centre.

East of the Fraser River it is generally ‘moderate’ with pockets of ‘low’ and ‘high’.

The BC Wildfire Service website displays the current fire danger rating for the province.

A strong upper ridge continues to build over the fire centre.

Due to smoky conditions, the temperatures and relative humidity are not being impacted by the ridge as we would normally see.

Typically a ridge will increase temperatures and decrease the relative humidity. There will be a risk of evening thundershowers on Wednesday, with locally gusty winds, which could disperse some of the smoke that is currently over the fire centre.

Read more: Air quality still very high health risk in Williams Lake area

Summary of Wildfires of Note

There are currently six Wildfires of Note in the Cariboo Fire Centre.

Baezaeko Complex made of the following fires

The Shag Creek wildfire is estimated to be 9,300 hectares and as of Sunday is zero per cent contained.

The Blackwater River fire is estimated at 4,519 hectares, 75 per cent guarded and zero per cent contained. Crews are continuing with night shifts to construct a guard. The smoke lifted Saturday which meant helicopters could get into the area to do some bucketing operations.

The Narcosli Creek wildfire is estimated to be 3,400 hectares, is 90 per cent guarded and 70 per cent contained.

Heavy equipment will continue building machine guard on the perimeter of this fire on Sunday. These machine guards will be built tight to the perimeter of this fire.

Crews will be establishing hose lay around the southwest corner in preparation of planned ignitions when conditions allow.

Crews will also patrol and mop up to 50 feet of perimeter line on the north and west flanks.

The wildfire at North Baezaeko is estimated to be 4,000 hectares and zero per cent contained.

Crews will reinforce the perimeter guard on the southwest corner where the guard was breached. Pre-existing cutblock roads will be utilized to enhance containment. Fire behavior was more active yesterday, causing more fuels to be consumed within the fire.

Other Wildfires of Note

The Mayfield Lake Fire estimated at 300 hectares is 100 per cent guarded and 70 per cent contained. On Friday, the Cariboo Regional District downgraded the evacuation alert for the Mayfield Lake fire.

Read more: Mayfield Lake evacuation alert lifted for 342 properties, 28 remain under alert

Due to smoky conditions Saturday, fire behavior was reduced at the Mayfield Lake fire.

The focus for Sunday will continue to be wet lining areas where the fire has burned clean to the guard.

Crews will burn green pockets near the fire guard when conditions allow, to reinforce the guard.

The Wild Goose Lake wildfire is estimated at 7,229 hectares and is 40 per cent contained.

Crews were not able to complete a planned ignition Saturday due to smoke in the area however, some areas of the fire did see increased activity in the afternoon in areas that crews had planned to conduct a planned ignition.

Crews do plan on conducting planned ignitions Sunday if weather permits. The fire did not see any significant growth. Ground crews will continue to direct attack the fire, where it is safe to do so. The fire is 100 per cent guarded.

A scan is planned as soon as conditions allow for a flight to look for other hot spots.

Summary of other wildfires

Quesnel Fire Zone

There are 11 active wildfires burning in this zone. There is one fire being held, two fires under control and eight fires in out of control status.

There are two fires in the area of North Baezaeko, south of Kluskoil Lake Park. This fire has not merged with the other North Baezaeko fire, however it is being treated as one fire. The Incident Management Team is managing this fire.

The Yuzkli Lake fire is south of Big Valley Creek and estimated at 32.5 hectares. There are no communities or structures threatened at this time.

A fire west of Mustang Lakes is estimated at 123.5 hectares. Ground personnel attended this fire and have developed a plan of action for this fire.

Williams Lake Zone

There are nine active wildfires burning in this zone. There are two fires being held, and seven fires under control.

Horsefly zone

There are 20 active wildfires fires burning in this zone.

All fires have been assessed and actioned in priority sequence.

Six fires are being held, four are under control, and 10 are in out of control status. All are being closely monitored by the BC Wildfire Service.

The Quartz Mountain fire is mapped at 522 hectares.

The Boulderly Creek fire, located on the east arm of Quesnel Lake is mapped at 233 hectares.

The fire west of Warttig Lake is estimated at 50 hectares.

The wildfire East of Mitchell Lake is estimated at 5.5 hectares.

The Roaring River Valley fire is estimated at 1000 hectares. This fire is located in the high alpine.

100 Mile zone

There are 14 active fires.

All fires have been assessed and actioned in priority sequence.

Two fires are being held, four are under control and eight are in out of control status.

The fire southwest of Clearwater Lake, north of Mahood Lake is estimated at 80 hectares. This fire is being monitored closely by the BC Wildfire Service.

The Hendrix Ridge fire is estimated at 110 hectares. BC Wildfire Service crews will now be managing this fire, with the assistance of industry.

The fire three kilometres east of McNeil Lake is estimated at 15 hectares.

The fire 16 kilometres north of Canim Lake is estimated at 117 hectares.

Chilcotin zone

The Chilcotin Fire Zone currently has nine active wildfires. Four fires are out of control, three fires are in under control status and two fires are being held.

Two fires are located near Bald Face Mountain, east of the Itcha Ilgachuz Park.

The northern fire is estimated at 2,083 hectares and the southern fire is estimated at 110 hectares. This southern fire is now being held.

This northern wildfire did see heightened fire activity and the Cariboo Fire Centre anticipates the fire size will increase, once there is an accurate track of the perimeter of the fire.

There are 25 personnel, 11 pieces of heavy equipment and three water tenders working to establish guard on these fires.

One of these fires is located within the Quesnel zone*

The Wilderness Lake fire is burning in high elevation and is mapped at 110 hectares.

The BC Wildfire Service was recently able to complete accurate tracking on this fire. This fire is being monitored closely by the BC Wildfire Service.

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