Cariboo North NDP members hard at work

The Cariboo North NDP Constituency Association held its AGM Jan. 30 at the Red Bluff Hall.

  • Feb. 8, 2011 3:00 p.m.

The Cariboo North NDP Constituency Association held its AGM Jan. 30 at the Red Bluff Hall.

The AGM was held early this year and was necessitated by recent events.

The decision of Cariboo North MLA, Bob Simpson, to remain as an independent after first being removed from caucus by NDP leader, Carole James, and following her resignation, led to several resignations amongst the officers and directors of the riding association.

A full slate of 17 officers and directors from both the Quesnel and Williams Lake area was elected.

Quesnel residents Brian Kennelly, Rick Cash, Jean Birch, and Victor Johnson were elected in order as president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer.

The new executive anticipates a busy and exciting year ahead.

“We see the current provincial leadership campaign as an opportunity for party renewal,” Kennelly said.

“As we consider the ideas and visions of the candidates for leader, we have a chance to review and highlight the party policies for all voters in the province.

“Although its important for an opposition party, it is too easy to just criticize the Liberal government.

“We will be looking for candidates to put forward a positive vision of how an NDP government can better provide support and prosperity for all British Columbians.”

In addition to helping local NDP members make an informed choice for NDP leader, there will be many other tasks for the association.

The Cariboo North NDP must undertake a candidate search and hold a nomination meeting before an impending election.

Once the writ is called, the riding will have to stage an election campaign to both elect a new NDP MLA for the Cariboo North constituency, and to elect an NDP government for the entire province.

Quesnel Cariboo Observer