Cariboo Regional District highlights Oct. 15 meeting

The Cariboo Regional District board was presented with an overview of the Beyond the Market program Oct. 25

  • Nov. 1, 2013 4:00 p.m.

Beyond the market

Jillian Merrick, Program Coordinator presented an overview of the Beyond the Market project.

Some of the issues discussed include the challenges and opportunities of agriculture in the community, contributing factors which have driven change in agriculture such as the economy and crisis within the industry, and partnerships in the program.

The Beyond the Market project is an economic development strategy to support the local food and agriculture sector in Northern BC. The project began in 2010 and has consisted of three different initiatives; new farm development, regional beef value chain, and beyond the market: growing the North. Further information about the project is available online at



The CRD approved in principle proposal information to construct a First Nations museum at the 108 Greenbelt in the south Cariboo.

The project is led by the Northern Secwepemc Cultural Society, which is comprised of five local First Nations including Canim Lake, Canoe Creek, Williams Lake, Soda Creek and Esketemc.

The Society has not secured the funding necessary for the project, which will be in excess of $2 million, but preparing the land use agreements will allow the group to submit major capital grant applications and undertake consistent fundraising.

The initial vision for the museum is an approximately 3,000 square foot structure that reflects aspects of First Nations culture and heritage.




The CRD received information from the Williams Lake Indian Band advising that they have received funding from the Regional Community to Community Forum Program.

The Williams Lake Indian Band has extended an invitation to the CRD directors and Williams Lake City Council to participate in a half-day facilitated workshop to identify methods for improved communications between the three parties.

The session will be held in January, 2014.





Recruitment of Health Care Professionals

MJ Cousins, Lynne Williams and Sally Errey from the Central Interior Rural Division of Family Practice appeared before the board with an update on the recruitment of health care practitioners to the region. The presentation included an overview of the recruitment coordinators, the working group, community partners and external agencies involved in the program. A draft recruitment and retention strategic plan has been developed and will be released soon. Further information about the program is available online at



Williams Lake Tribune