Castlegar Chamber to host all-candidates forum

Event will be held online

The Castlegar and District Chamber of Commerce will be hosting an all-candidates forum prior to the city’s upcoming byelection.

The online event will be held Wednesday, April 7 at 6 p.m. on Zoom.

To start the forum, all candidates will be allowed a three minute opening platform speech.

Candidates will speak in alphabetical order starting with the mayoral candidates first, followed by the councilor candidates.

RELATED: Castlegar byelection candidates announced

The next portion of the meeting will feature a question and answer period.

The chamber will be using the following format for the Q&A:

• Questions submitted from registered guests will be randomly selected.

• The question will be directed to the candidate listed or chosen in order of who is next in order for a question.

• The candidate will have two minutes to respond.

• Once the response is completed, the other candidates have the opportunity to use a rebuttal card for a one minute response.

• Candidates will have three rebuttal cards.

If you would like to submit a question for the candidates, send an email to Questions must be respectful and include the name of the candidate it is directed to along with your full name. Submission deadline is March 31 at 3 p.m.

The forum will conclude with two minute closing speeches. The candidate order will be the reverse of the opening speeches and with councilor candidates starting first followed by the mayoral candidates.

The chat component of the Zoom event will be disabled to maximize response time for all candidates.

Pre-registration prior to noon on April 6 is required to participate in the forum. To register go to Eventbrite at Participants will be required to provide an email address.

The Chamber of Commerce will email the forum’s Zoom link to registered participants the day before the event.

The event is limited to 500 screens, so participants are asked to limit registrations to one per household.

RELATED: Castlegar byelection voting information
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