Castlegar Library hosts Idle No More session

The Castlegar Library hosted a local meeting of the Idle No More movement on Saturday.

Shemmaho Goodenough speaks at the Idle No More session Saturday afternoon at the Castlegar Library.

Shemmaho Goodenough speaks at the Idle No More session Saturday afternoon at the Castlegar Library.

About 30 people participated in a Idle No More information session and talking circle at the Castlegar Library on Saturday afternoon.

The event was organized by Shemmaho Goodenough and Jessica McLeod and is part of a national movement that is garnering much interest.

“People learned about some history of the violation of treaty rights and the ongoing struggle treaty people face here in Canada,” said Goodenough. “Participants also learned more about Aboriginals’ deep and abiding responsibility toward the land.”

The group has a march planned for next Monday (Jan. 28) at 3 p.m. starting at Spirit Square in downtown Castlegar.

Goodenough said the local group stands behind the national movement.

“It’s peaceful, non-violent,” she said. “We consider ourselves educators. What we had on Saturday was a teach-in. This is what people across Canada are interested in. We actually are quite convinced if people understand the issues they’ll pressure their representatives to vote in favour of it. All we’re doing is asking for our laws that we have to be upheld. We really feel we have the legal responsibility to stick up for the earth and the environment and that the government is not doing a good job of that.”

For more information, go to or contact Kimberley at 250-399-4384.


Castlegar News