Castlegar shooting for permanent e-waste facility

After the success of the one day e-waste drop off event Castlegar is stepping up efforts to bring a permanent e-waste site to the city.

Castlegar mayor Lawrence Chernoff and director of Civic Works Chris Barlow helped people dispose of ewaste at the Pioneer Arena Saturday.

Castlegar mayor Lawrence Chernoff and director of Civic Works Chris Barlow helped people dispose of ewaste at the Pioneer Arena Saturday.

After the success of the one day e-waste drop off event on April 30, the city of Castlegar is stepping up efforts to bring a permanent e-waste site to the city.

“We’ve been in contact with Encorp,” said mayor Lawrence Chernoff. “I think it’s important to fill that role. Instead of it going to the landfill it know goes to where it’s supposed to go. If Encorp doesn’t step up to the plate, than I think they city will and Waste Management will to do this on a regular basis.”

Currently, Castlegar residents have to take their electronic recycling to a nearby city such as Trail or Nelson.

“Really, it’s based on convenience,” said Chernoff. “If you make it convenient, people will do it. Otherwise, it will go to the landfill.”

The mayor is hoping for a positive result as soon as possible.


“We’re trying to bring the president down and talk to us and get this settled,” he said. “We’ve pushing as hard as we can. We’ve taken it to the provincial government. The next step is they step in and help us get this done.”



Castlegar News