The Celgar Pavilion at Millennium Park, seen here during its grand opening.

The Celgar Pavilion at Millennium Park, seen here during its grand opening.

Castlegar wins Wood WORKS! award for Celgar Pavilion at Millenium Park

Celgar Pavilion wins 2016 Community Recognition Awards during the Union of BC Municipalities Convention (UBCM) in Victoria last week.

Another feature of Castlegar’s Millennium Park has won an award. Wood WORKS! BC announced that the Celgar Pavilion received one of its 2016 Community Recognition Awards during the Union of BC Municipalities Convention in Victoria last week.

Mayor Lawrence Chernoff and several city councillors were on hand at UBCM to accept the award. “To me it represents the community — all facets from the Rotary, to the builder, to everybody that put it together,” said Chernoff. “It is a great design. It really shows how wood is important to our community. We are overjoyed about it, because it shows everybody working together.”

The awards are presented annually to local governments that have been exemplary advocates for wood. This is demonstrated through the specification of wood in a community project or through visionary initiatives that work toward building a community culture of wood.

The pavilion project was a Rotary led initiative that had so many organizations come on board that organizers had to go back to the drawing board to expand and enhance the original designs. “It is a testament to everyone,” said Dave Kravski, who led the Rotary committee in charge of the project. “Our original vision was nothing to the scope and size of what was achieved,” he added. “With all of the partners that came on board, I think it just kind of morphed into what it is today. We are excited that it is what it is — it does look very beautiful.”

Kravski was eager to give credit to Dan Sahlstrom of WSA Engineering for the design of the structure, contractor Darin Berg and Gold Island. “The wood came from Gold Island, and they did a great job,” he said. “It wasn’t an easy task for Darin to put it together. It’s eye catching and it’s appealing. This award is just the cherry on top.”

“We congratulate these six local governments for their visionary initiatives, which resulted in beautiful new wood structures that truly enhance their communities and streetscapes,” said Lynn Embury-Williams, executive director of Wood WORKS! BC. “Each and every winner and nominee showcases ingenuity with wood building and design while demonstrating that wood cost-effectively fits many types, sizes and applications of local government buildings — airports, pavilions and community facilities included.”

Castlegar News