Open burning (File photo)

Category 2, Category 3 open fires to be allowed in Prince George and Northwest Fire Centres

Ban to be lifted 12 p.m. Tuesday, September 7

  • Sep. 1, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Open fires will be permitted next week throughout Northwest and Prince George Fire Centres amid recent precipitation and cooler temperatures greatly reducing wildfire risk.

A prohibition on Category 2 and Category 3 open fires will be lifted at 12 p.m. Tuesday, September 7. Fireworks, firecrackers and sky lanterns will also be permitted.

Category 2 open fires include one or two concurrently burning piles no larger than two metres high by three metres wide and the burning of stubble or grass over an area less than 0.2 hectares in size.

Category 3 open fires include any fire larger than two metres high by three metres wide, three or more concurrently burning piles each no larger than two metres high by three metres wide, the burning of stubble or grass over an area greater than 0.2 hectares and the burning of one or more windrows.

Read More: B.C. Wildfire defends lift of campfire bans in parts of province as summer subsides

Such activities have been prohibited since the end of June due to prolonged hot and dry weather conditions present at the time, said BC Wildfire Service (BCWS).

A campfire ban with the exception of Robson Valley was lifted July 29 in Northwest and Prince George Fire Centres. The prohibition in Robson Valley was rescinded nearly a month later, on August 27.

BCWS strongly encourages the public to exercise caution with any outdoor burning and campfire use.

“It is the responsibility of the individual to ensure that burning is done in a safe and responsible manner in accordance with regulations,” BCWS said in a news release.

“Before lighting any fire, check with local government authorities to see if any local burning restrictions are in place.”

Anyone planning to conduct Category 2 open burning should always check the Ventilation Index, follow the Open Burning Smoke Regulations and practice safe burning.

All Category 3 open fires must comply with the Environmental Management Act and the Open Burning Smoke Control Regulations. Anyone wishing to light a Category 3 open fire must obtain a burn registration number ahead of time by calling 1-888-797-1717.

Read More: B.C. extends wildfire state of emergency again to Sept. 14

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