The category two fire ban has been lifted in the Cariboo Fire Centre due to cool and wet weather conditions as witnessed here by the lushness of the area where the San Jose River enters Williams Lake.

The category two fire ban has been lifted in the Cariboo Fire Centre due to cool and wet weather conditions as witnessed here by the lushness of the area where the San Jose River enters Williams Lake.

Category two fire ban to be lifted Thursday noon

Category two fire prohibition will be lifted by the Cariboo Fire Centre as of noon Thursday, June 16.

Due to wet and cool weather conditions the category two fire prohibition will be lifted by the Cariboo Fire Centre as of Thursday, June 16 at noon.

“We have a low fire danger risk throughout the entire region,” said CFC information officer Emily Epp Thursday.

Removing the ban means people can burn up to two piles of debris that are two metres high by three metres wide.

“The category three prohibition remains in place, which covers larger scale industrial burning,” Epp said. “We do want people to be aware if the weather changes in the next few weeks, we’ll impose the ban again.”

Campfires are still allowed, she added.



Williams Lake Tribune