Caught and fined in Hedley

Vigilant residents work to stop illegal dumping around the outskirts of Hedley



On the afternoon of March 21, up Rogers Road along 20 Mile Creek, two Hedley residents were seen dumping six or more garbage bags of garden waste and litter.

They were asked by another resident to stop and were reminded that what they were doing is illegal dumping. Even though they were told about the monthly garden waste pick-ups by RDOS, they continued to unload their garbage in the wilderness protesting innocence and ignorance.

The Conservation Authority was advised, issued fines and ensured that the mess was cleaned up by those that had dumped their garbage. These individuals, as well as anyone else who does not care about the environment, should remember that not only will it cost them but that they should think about what illegal dumping does, as in these examples:

– Damages wildlife and their habitat, soil, foliage, etc.

– Introduces foreign and rampant-growth foliage

– Reduces the beauty of natural areas, jeopardizing tourism

– Reduces surrounding real estate prices

– Allows people to access your personal information from personal garbage

– Increases the potential for fire which puts lives and homes at risks

– Increases the potential for disease

– Degrades water quality

– Causes injury to pets, residents, visitors, and children

– Costs taxpayers money








Keremeos Review