Have you ever wondered what services the Central Coast Regional District provides or how decisions are made about those services? What services the CCRD does not provide and why? Have you wondered what the costs are or how to have your say in decision affecting your local community?
The CCRD Governance and Service Delivery Study is underway and will provide you with answers to these questions and offer opportunities to share your perspective. What’s working? What’s not?
Because each community, electoral area and regional district is unique, a “one size fits all” form of local government may not need many local needs. Each community requires different services, methods of service delivery and forms of political representation.
The Governance and Service Delivery Study will examine how services are currently provided within the Region and seek input on what concerns or issues there may be with how services are delivered and governed. The information can then be used to identify options for addressing governance and service delivery issues.
There are Fact Sheets available to learn about your local services and understand how they impact you. There are probably services you might not have known the CCRD provided, and some perhaps you thought it did, but it doesn’t.
These Fact Sheets are available online at www.ccrd-bc.ca or in the office in Bella Coola and explain the following services: General Operations, Solid Waste, Planning and Economic Development, Water, Parks and Recreation, Fire and Emergency Services, Library and Transportation.
In addition, there are Fact Sheets available on governance and service delivery such as: Regional District Governance, Regional Cooperation, Electoral Area Boundaries, Local Government Structure, and Regional District Grants.
You can review these services and share your perspectives both in person at the Community Conversations on October 24 and 25 or by a survey available online at www.ccrd-bc.ca or at the office. The October 24 Community Conversation Open House will be held at the Legion in Hagensborg, and October 25 will take place at the Denny Island Community Hall.
Once these meetings and surveys are complete the consultants will be collating the input and compiling a report on how services are governed and delivered. A summary of this report will be available online in December and a final report will be submitted to the CCRD and the Province in January 2017.
“The CCRD is pleased to provide an avenue for you to have your local governance questions answered through the Diagnostic Governance and Service Delivery Study. We are hoping that the Fact Sheets will answer many of your questions,” said CAO Darla Blake. “However, if you have additional questions or concerns please feel free to use any number of our new communication channels to share those thoughts with us.”