Celebrate National Forest Week with Art and Win!

Association of BC Forest Professionals (ABCFP) and the Truck Loggers Association (TLA) are holding an art competition

The Association of BC Forest Professionals (ABCFP) and the Truck Loggers Association (TLA) are holding an art competition from Sept. 17 to Oct. 15, 2013 to celebrate National Forest Week. The art competition is open to kids aged four to 12, parents can submit their own kids’ artwork or teachers can enter the work of the whole classroom.

Kids from across the province are invited to draw a picture of what the forests in their communities mean to them. There will be three winners – one from each age group. Winners will receive a $50 gift certificate to Chapters and will have their pictures published in the ABCFP and TLA magazines and posted on the websites of both organizations.

“As a forest professional, I spend my days with policies, laws and permits and sometimes forget about the fun side of forests,” says Christine Gelowitz, RPF, president of the ABCFP. “It is always fantastic to be reminded about the fun factor when we see how children interpret forests.”

“Children have a unique perspective of our world,” said Dwight Yochim, RPF, executive director of the TLA. “And they have an ability to capture that perspective and share with us a glimpse of what they see each and every day. What they perceive and how they interpret it reminds us of our own childhood when everything was new.”

Pick up your pencil crayons and visit the ABCFP or the TLA websites to download the art competition entry form, www.abcfp.ca or www.tla.ca.  See more details and how you can participate in National Forest Week in this weeks supplement to the Star/Journal.


Barriere Star Journal