Celebrating 75 years

Milnes Landing Brownie Camp celebrates its 75th. Anniversary on July 21, 2013.

  • Jun. 19, 2013 4:00 p.m.

We are planning a Celebration Party at the camp. As part of this celebration we would like to have a Book of Memories. To this end we invite all Guides and Guiders, past and present to record their memories, good or bad for this book. There must be lots of memories out of time spent at “Milnes,” thousands over 75 years; and thousands of girls who have been to Milnes, friends made, laughs remembered, sorrows regretted. Who knows, this might bring some of you back together who have lost touch over the tears. That could be fun.

The intention is to have these memories in our archives. Please respond, by mail to Hurwood 2126 Corvis way, Sooke  B.C V9ZOG1; or by e-mail to jericoan@shaw.ca. lf you plan to attend please RSVP to Barb Kerr at: kerrb@telus.net.

Sooke News Mirror