Centennial committee helping youth

  • Feb. 10, 2016 5:00 p.m.

The 100-Year Committee has decided to donate $5,000 of its legacy fund to help youth in the City of Courtenay. The money will be managed by the Comox Valley Community Foundation.

“Five thousand doesn’t cut it, so we need to bump it up,” Rod Hunter told Courtenay council Monday.

The committee is organizing a Courtenay Spring Social March 18 at the Filberg Centre, which will include a buffet-style dinner. Tickets are $20 each.

The group hopes the City can cover the $7,500 budgeted for the event.

“We want to raise as much as we possibly can,” said Hunter, who thinks the event can generate at least $20,000.

–Scott Stanfield


Comox Valley Record