The Centennial Pool had a great turnout for their first swim meet!

The Centennial Pool had a great turnout for their first swim meet!

Centennial Pool hosts first Swim Meet of the year

On August 2nd Centennial Pool was proud to host our very first swim meet of the year.

  • Aug. 17, 2015 4:00 p.m.

On August 2nd Centennial Pool was proud to host our very first swim meet of the year. We had beautiful weather for the meet, which swimmers had been training diligently for since the start of this season at our swim club.

It was great to see participants of all ages lining up to compete in a variety of different competitions. The meet featured races such as the 72 metre freestyle, the 36 metre dolphin kick, and even went on to include the ‘Individual Medley’, which featured a length each of butterfly, back crawl, breaststroke and finally front crawl.

Everyone had great enthusiasm and swam their hardest. After two hours of fun and racing the swimmers were awarded with creamsicles, freezies, and ribbons. The meet was a huge success and we are hosting another one on August 16th at 10:00am. Be sure to come and join us!

Coast Mountain News