Teachers from the Central Okanagan filled the 800-seat Kelowna Community Theatre, sitting in the isles and lining the hallways and foyer outside on the first day of the B.C. teacher strike.

Teachers from the Central Okanagan filled the 800-seat Kelowna Community Theatre, sitting in the isles and lining the hallways and foyer outside on the first day of the B.C. teacher strike.

Central Okanagan Teachers Meet

Central Okanagan teachers dove into strike action with a mass meeting, nearing the 1000-person mark.

  • Mar. 5, 2012 8:00 p.m.

Teachers from the Central Okanagan School District spent the first hours of the pronvincewide B.C. Teachers’ strike in a meeting at the Kelowna Community Theatre.

The 800-set theatre was filled to capacity with people sitting in the isles, standing along the back and filling the foyer outside.

Headed by Central Okanagan Teachers’ Association president Alice Rees, the meeting offered both an opportunity to vent and ask questions as B.C. teachers move from low-grade job-action to walking off the job.

More to come in the Tuesday edition of the Kelowna Capital News.


Kelowna Capital News