Central Saanich will investigate ways in which the municipality along with funding partners Sidney and North Saanich can financially support the Panorama Recreation Centre. (Black Press Media File)

Central Saanich to spell out options for financially supporting Panorama Recreation Centre

Municipality looks for best use of COVID-19 restart grant worth some $3.5 million

  • Jan. 17, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Saanich Peninsula residents will eventually learn how much their respective municipalities could end up paying to help cover the deficit at the Panorama Recreation Centre.

Central Saanich council Monday signed off on a notice of motion directing staff to find out how much each of the three municipalities funding the Panorama Recreation Centre might have to pay to fund the centre’s deficit caused by COVID-19 based on their respective contributions.

Council had planned to consider the notice of motion from Mayor Ryan Windsor during its last meeting in 202o on Dec. 21, but the snowstorm that day cancelled the meeting.

The public heard in late October that the commission’s forecasted deficit for 2020 was $413,562. About a month earlier, the Capital Regional District board reduced transfers to the capital reserve ($411,204) and the operating reserve to cover the forecasted deficit.

RELATED: Peninsula Recreation Commission 2021 budget reflects dropped revenues this year

Looking ahead, the commission is requesting an increase of $181,371 — 3.6 per cent — over its 2020 budget requisition of $4.993 million.

Preliminary requisition figures show North Saanich would be on the hook for just over $1.608 million, Sidney for just over $1.534 million and Central Saanich $2.031 million for a grand total of just over $5.175 million.

Sidney’s increase in 2021 would be $53,768, North Saanich’s increase would be $56,377, and Central Saanich’s would be $71,210 based on preliminary figures made available to the public in late October.

Central Saanich’s decision to investigate ways to help the recreation commission comes as the municipality looks for the best use of some $3.5 million in grant money through a shared federal-provincial program designed to help communities deal with the effects of COVID-19.

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