CEO is ready to go

Municipal elections are just around and in Golden the Chief Election Officer is preparing for a busy month.

The Chief Election Officer (CEO) for the 2011 municipal elections has been appointed and this year manager of corporate administration, Jon Wilsgard, will be overseeing the election.

“I have to make sure that it is run within the accordance of the legislative framework. Besides that making sure it  runs smoothly, is streamlined and easy for people to undertake their democratic right. We have to hire people to help run the election as well,” Wilsgard said.

The official nomination period will run from 9 a.m. on October 4 until 4 p.m. on October 14.

“Within this period nominations can be submitted. Over the last few weeks people have been able to pull a nomination package but that does not necessarily mean they are going to run,” Wilsgard said.

He went on to explain that part of his duties as CEO is to give out nomination packages for the Area A and School Trustee elections.

“Sometimes people forget that this election is happening. Now they have a separate election system. They have their own CEO but we will work in concert with each other. The election will be at the same place. People have to remember there is an area electoral position and three trustees for the school board,” Wilsgard said.

All of the elections will be working under the same electoral frame work

On Oct. 14 Wilsgard will announce whether or not there will be an election based off the number of packages received.

“If there are only six nominations for councillors and one for mayor then we have acclimation. If there are more nominations than seats available then I officially announce there will be an election.”

Wilsgard is hoping that people will take the time to get out and vote because every vote is an important one, especially during a municipal election.

“Especially at the local government level, voting makes a difference. This is the  most accessible level of government that there is. You can walk through those doors and know everything that local government can do is in here. There is not a web of bureaucracy that is around the province or federal government. It is all about right here and this is where it happens.”

Wilsgard added this is a time he looks forward to for many reasons.

“It is exciting to see democracy in action. You can see the campaign, the debates and competing for interest. It is fun but also a nerve racking time. An election has to be run  right. It is the fundamental crux of our civilization,” Wilsgard said.


Golden Star