Ceremony on Monday to honour WW1 contributions

July 28 2014 marks the 100th anniversary of a very significant part of modern history, one that touched the entire world.

Local First World War Veteran George Soles was fortunate to return home.

Local First World War Veteran George Soles was fortunate to return home.

July 28 2014 marks the 100th anniversary of a very significant part of modern history, one that touched the entire world.

July 28, 1914 was the start of the First World War, a war that reached out and touched almost everyone alive on the earth in some way. Canada officially joined the war a week later when Britain declared war on Germany.

Loss of life during this conflict amounted to 10 million soldiers and 7 million civilians. More than 20 million people were wounded and those not wounded were affected by food shortages the likes the world had never seen before.

Canada’s total casualties, by the end of the war, were 67,000 killed and 250,000 wounded out of a total armed forces of 620,000 people (soldiers, nurses and chaplains).

The Golden Museum, in partnership with the Golden Legion Branch 122 and the Town of Golden invite you to take part in a short ceremony of recognition at the Golden Cenotaph on July 28 at 6:30 p.m. Not only will we be taking part in the ceremony but also in the unveiling of the new plaque on the cenotaph.

There were many Golden men and families who served during the conflict, and some who never returned home.

Coffee and cake will be available at the Legion following the ceremony and the Legion memorabilia room will be open for visitors.


Golden Star