A Sri Lankan cooking class from Ruwan Samarakoon-Amunugama, who authored the cookbook titled Milk, Spice and Curry Leaves: Hill Country, kicked off Food DIversity Week on Monday. (Photo by sailor first class Mike Goluboff)

A Sri Lankan cooking class from Ruwan Samarakoon-Amunugama, who authored the cookbook titled Milk, Spice and Curry Leaves: Hill Country, kicked off Food DIversity Week on Monday. (Photo by sailor first class Mike Goluboff)

CFB Esquimalt connecting workforce through diverse foods

Food Diversity Week runs until Friday

  • Oct. 30, 2020 12:00 a.m.

What better way to bring people together than through food.

CFB Esquimalt kicked off its Food Diversity Week this week with a Sri Lankan cooking class from Ruwan Samarakoon-Amunugama, who authored the cookbook titled Milk, Spice and Curry Leaves: Hill Country, on Monday.

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Samarakoon-Amunugama taught a group of base and fleet cooks traditional recipes – chicken curry and beetroot curry – which will be served to others at the base.

Food Diversity Week runs until the Oct. 30 and will feature a different cuisine each day, including Chinese, Lebanese, Italian and Greek.

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“Food is just one of the many ways we can come together to celebrate and recognize the rich multicultural community we share,” said Capt. (N) Sam Sader, CFB Esquimalt base commander. “Seeing the diversity of our members better represented in the cuisine we offer is another step forward in building a more inclusive and welcoming workplace.”


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