CFEC taking action for funds for youth

Healthy transitions for vulnerable youth

Christopher Pettman, left, Lisa De Paoli, Lea Smirfitt and Lloyd Garner hosted a dinner for community-minded individuals on Sept. 8 to talk about ways to support vulnerable youths. The Cariboo Family Enrichment Centre wanted input on its $200,000 grant opportunity to help youths.

Christopher Pettman, left, Lisa De Paoli, Lea Smirfitt and Lloyd Garner hosted a dinner for community-minded individuals on Sept. 8 to talk about ways to support vulnerable youths. The Cariboo Family Enrichment Centre wanted input on its $200,000 grant opportunity to help youths.

During the past few months, the Cariboo Family Enrichment Centre (CFEC) has developed an innovative way to gather information to support vulnerable youths.

On Sept. 8, the CFEC along with the South Cariboo Community Planning Council held a dinner meeting to talk about “Healthy Transitions for the Vulnerable Youth,” and to discuss a $200,000 grant opportunity from the Community Action Initiative (CAI).

“We had about 45 to 50 people attend,” says CFEC counsellor Chris Pettman. “It was a very busy night, with the crowd consisting of business people, community leaders, and youth professionals.”

CAI Service Innovation maximum grant is $200,000 provided through a $10-million contribution from the provincial government for the implementation of approved projects. The Sept. 8 meeting focused on the project and initiative priorities, and input from the audience was welcomed.

The CFEC had collected anonymous surveys during the spring and summer.

“During the first round, we had 400 returned questionnaires that the youth had filled out,” says Pettman.

He adds they received more 100 surveys during the summer.

“We wanted the youths’ input on what they want to see for the youth here in 100 Mile House.”

The questionnaires had a variety of topics, including interactions with parents, smoking, drinking, and how they feel about access to recreational opportunities.

The deadline for the grant application is Sept. 30, and Pettman says they will use the information gathered from the questionnaires and the meeting for the CFEC application.


100 Mile House Free Press